We offer our service to all those who want to receive fresh information on the value and price of the works of art in their possession with authentic expert documentation and appropriate to the current market situation. At your request, we carry out a valuation with the assistance of our expert appraisers.

The official valuation issued by the BÁV is a widely accepted, credible expert document.

The issued document includes:

  • a professional description of the state of the work of art,
  • the estimated turnover value of the work of art,
  • as well as the photographic documentation recording the state of the work of art.

The service covers all types of works of art (paintings, furniture, carpet, glass, porcelain, statues, jewelry, watches) marketed by us. During the survey, our experts examine the age and condition of the work of art with objective methods of examination, and in addition to the physical examination they also investigate the significance of the art history and cultural history of the given artifacts. In determining the value, the valuation of the turnover value of the work of art is established taking into account the domestic and international art market trends and prices for the work of art.
The price of the service is 10% of the estimated turnover value of the structure, but at least HUF 25,000. We use unique pricing in the case of works of art and collections of outstanding value.

I request an official valuation

Please send a description and, if possible, a photograph of the work of art for which you would like to receive an informational offer. Our colleague will contact you within five working days.

Please provide a brief description of the objects for which you wish to use the service.